Monday, December 5, 2016

What are Text Features?

Ms. Tulbure's class is learning about informational text

Informational text, or nonfiction writing, is based on facts, real events, and real people. There are many helpful text features found in nonfiction writing. Some common text features are:  headings, subheadings, captions, diagrams, time lines, maps, charts, and the glossary.

Below is a humdinger of a video made by Sheriff Yollis and Sheriff Salsich. They hope their video helps you greenhorns learn about about these important reading features!


Here it is on Vimeo if YouTube is blocked.

The Nonfiction Trail from Jonah Salsich on Vimeo.

 What are your favorite text features?

(Headings, subheadings, captions, diagrams, time lines, maps, charts, and the glossary.)

In class, we are writing informational text. What two text features are you using in your informational text and WHY?

What text feature is not necessary in your information text?


  1. Hi class, it's Elior here.
    My favorite text feature is a diagram.If you watched the video with sheriff Yollis, her favorite text feature was the diagram too.Is your favorite text feature the diagram?

  2. Hi class,

    My topic is firefighting. One of my facts is the first fire house was built in 1678. My second fact is a fire truck helps firefighters put the fire out a yellow fire truck puts out a brush fire a red fire truck puts out a normal fire and a green fire truck puts out a forest fire.
    One of my text features is subheadings . I am using subheadings because I have chapters so I can use subheadings as a text feature because I can use subheadings for the chapters. Another of my text features is a glossary . I will use a glossary so people know what I am talking about. Charts are not necessary because nothing needs a chart.


  3. Hi Elior my favorite text feature is a heading. I chose this because if you do not understand what the book is saying you can look at the heading. The heading should tell what the book is about. If it doesn't just look at the sub heading. That is what the whole two pages are about. What is your favorite text feature?
    Bye cowboy
    Your friend Sam

  4. Dear Class,
    I am so excited to be writing on information text is month. I am a expert on Art. Today I will tell you two amazing facts about art. One amazing fact is that two cold colors will make one primary color, another fact is that three primary colors are Blue,Red and Yellow. One text feature I need in my informational text is the glossary because in Art there are many important words that some people might not know. Another text feature I need is a Heading because I need to tell the reader what my page or two is about, the might not even understand what they're reading about.


  5. Dear Class,
    I am so excited to be writing on informational text this month. I am an expert on Art!
    People have been doing art since the stone age, which was between 300,000 to 700,000 years ago.

    Two text features I will be using is a title, and a subtitle. If I don’t have a title for my book, somebody could pick it up thinking this book is about Unicorns, but it has nothing to do with that. Without subtitles, nobody would know what the paragraph they are reading is about.
    I do not need a map since paints, pencils, crayons, and treasure are not related, and you can find lots of drawing tools in many places. I don’t need a graph either since I am not trying to show people how many people use a pencil to draw instead of a marker, and how many people use crayons instead of paints and a paint brush.

    Drawing is super fun, I think you should try doing it and try drawing with different tools!


  6. Dear Class,
    I am so excited to be writing on informational text this month. I am an expert on basketball. Basketball is a simple sport to learn and it is interesting. I will use subheadings and a heading.I will use those text features because it is easier for the reader to read. The heading and subheadings are easier for the reader to read because it is going to tell what you are going to read about. Text features that are not necessary for the essay is a diagram,glossary,maps,and timeline.


  7. Dear Class,

    I am so excited to be writing on Informational text this month. I am an expert on art.
    In my informational essay I have four chapters and a how to draw an ice cream cone.
    The two text features I will be focusing in my essay are subtitle and glossary I am using a sub title because then readers will know that chapter's name . I am using so readers will know glossary so readers will understand some of the big words in art. Here are a few facts about art. First ,Da Vinci was a famous artist he did all kinds of art. Second,the world's most popular color is blue (40%) .Finally black attracts the sun .

    Your art expert,

    Subtitle and glossary

  8. Dear Class,

    I am so excited to about rock crawling. I am an expert in rock crawling. In my informational essay, I am writing three main chapters about , an introduction and a conclusion. My chapter titles are Need a shovel, tires, and need a winch.

    We have been learning about text features in class. One text feature that I will use is a diagram. A diagram is…..

    A paper that has a picture and it tells about it with zoomed in pictures and telling what it is about.

    The two facts are that the shovel you can actually dig Dirt, snow, rocks, out of the way
    To let your vehicle move on the dirt. Especially in the mud.

    You need a winch because there
    Are rocks, snow, and dirt that you dig in and can not get out with a shovel. It is the worst without one because what if your vehicle is way stuck and you can’t dig out. It is a pain without one especially with back pain. Get one if you need one.
    On my second page I am going to show a diagram of how the shovel will help and the winch.


  9. Dear class,
    I am so excited to be writing on informational text this month.I am an expert on Mexico.
    One fact is that the capital o f mexico is new Mexico. Mexico has all most about 200 people. Two of my text features are glossary and title.

    Why: I chose glossary because if someone does not know a word they can go to the glossary. I also chose title because it is very important that the reader knows what the book is about.


  10. Dear Class

    Iam so excited to be writing on information text this month. I am an expert on Magic.

    I am doing everything that has to do with magic. There are 4 chapters in my essay. My chapters are potions, spells, ways to wave your wand and magical creatures.

    Did you know that if you put things into your potion that don’t belong there, then you will end up with your house exploding. Also, did you know that lord Voldemart battles Harry on his own after hogwarts almost destroys in Harry’s 7th year and both Harry and Nevil Longbottom are the chosen ones. The text features I am using are a map and a diagram. A map is a paper that shows places. A diagram is a picture that describe something. I chose a map to show the location of the magical creatures. I chose a diagram to illustrate potions.

  11. Dear class,
    I am so excited to be writing informational text this month! I am an expert on Art. Art has a lot of features, color, form, texture, lines, shape are all elements of art. You can use things around your house too! Extra paper, old photos, bottles, cans and cardboard are things you might have to make art. Photography is also art, maybe you can take a photo and try to draw it, or maybe you can cut up a photo and arrange the pieces. my two text features are glossary and headings. I picked glossary because in art there are many words that some people don’t know. I picked Headings because if there were no headings the reader would not know what they are reading.
    Your friend, Taylor


  12. Dear class,

    I am so excited to be writing on information text this month. I am an expert on Drawing.I’m writing about drawing. My three chapters in my story are Tools that you can use, How to draw pictures and the three main steps of drawing. Now I am going to tell you one fun facts. The first fun fact is that that there are over 200 art supplies that you can use. Did you put a text features? I did I used a heading and a glossary. I used the heading because it would make a little bit more to the reader and I used a glossary so the reader could know what a word means. Do you like to draw?

    Your friend Keira

  13. Dear Class,

    I am so excited to be writing on informational text this month. One fact is showing detail is really important. Another is not putting too much water.
    Last, is you have to be responsible in art. You have to clean your art tools when you're done, make sure barely any water is on your paper, you need to have so much responsibility. I will use headings, captions, and diagrams. I think this is useful because reading the diagrams is really important it could help you in art, learning about animals, all the things that you're reading about. Its helps because it tells you a little more facts about what that you are reading. Do you like learning about art?


  14. Hi Everyone,

    I agree with Elior and sheriff Yollis that my favorite text feature is the diagram. Did you
    know that a diagram show what things are in a picture? One last thing I want you to tell me what your favorite text feature is and any other cool facts about it let me know as soon as possible.

  15. Dear class,

    I am so excited to be writing informational text this month. I am a expert on soccer and I can teach some soccer stuff. First, did you know that soccer has been around for centuries.
    Second, there are different pashcies offense, defense, goalie. I’m going to do heading because I think I can get really crafty with it and subheading. Subheading because I want to make the reader know the chapters. Heading because I want my story to be realistic.

  16. Dear class

    I am so excited to be writing on informational text this mouth. I am an expert on baseball.

    Baseball has been played for a long time when baseball first started it was called tag ball.
    Without batting there would be no baseball. Batting is a really important part of baseball when you hit the ball you run to first base maybe second or third but manly you'll get to first or second.

    Now will talk about pitching when you pitch you look straight at the batter and you fro the ball to the catcher.
    What is a catcher you ask well it's the person who is behind home plate. So that's what you need to know about base ball see you soon.

    I will use a diagram because it will help my reader see the field and I will use a subtitle so my reader will see what it's about.

    By Justin


  17. Dear class,

    I Am so excited to be writing about informational text this month. I am good on golf. In my informational essay, I am writing what is the game of golf. Golf is a club and all ball sport in which player use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in a few strokes as possible. My chapter titles are.My Favorite text feature is a Glossary .If you are having trouble watch Mrs.Yollis vidos.Her favorite was the diagram. : Part I : What you need to know about clubs. No doubt, the right equipment is always helps. Part 2: Learning to Play. The hardest part about golf can be getting started…

    We have been learning in class on asking questions. Ask myself a few questions. First, why do I want to play? Second, Do I really like to play? I want to play because it is fun playing in the course and riding the golf cart and love to see the nature. I also love to play golf with my sister.What is your favorite text feature?


  18. Hi class, I am going to use headings as my text feature for my essay. I really like the new post that Miss Tulbure put up. For my essay I am writing about tennis. My chapters are Tennis Strokes, Benefits and About my Coach. In each one I have three topics. I love writing on Google Docs and in my notebook. Writing is my favorite thing to do when I have some free time. I also love doing tennis. That is why I chose tennis for my chapter title. I am also going to use diagrams as another one of my text features. I like diagrams because they are pictures except that they label different things that are in the picture.

    headings diagrams

  19. Greetings Everybody,

    In my last comment about the diagram my second favorite text feature is a caption. I like the caption because it tells you about the picture so you know what it’s about.
    Ok folks that’s it but let me know what your second favorite text feature.

