Monday, November 2, 2015

November is Family Blogging Month!

Ms. Tulbure and her students  to share what they are
learning and experiencing.

In an effort to include more family members in our 
online community, we are proclaiming: 

November is Family Blogging Month!

Each student made a list of their family members. After looking through the archive, students selected specific posts tailored to the interest of a particular relative. 

We're inviting everyone to comment: moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins. 
We welcome friends, too!

Students will be inviting their family and friends to participate in a conversation! 
Maybe we'll get some 2-point comments

(We frequently evaluate the comments that our blog has received. In order to earn the 2-points, a comment must be error-free and add something to the post.   Many of Ms. Tulbure's third graders have already met the challenge!)

If you don't know what to say, here is a video made by Mrs. Yollis' third graders. 

Learn FIVE tips for writing a quality comment! 

If you don't know How to leave a comment, here is a video tutorial about HOW to leave a comment on our blog.

Here is the key we will use for  Family Blogging Month.

What do you think of our idea?

Who are you inviting to be a part of our online community?

Please leave a comment and introduce yourself!


  1. Hi! This is Taylor's mom. I love that your class is blogging. It is so exciting to see how many people around the world will read your posts. Think of all the connections you can make! Enjoy!

    1. @ Taylor's Mom,

      Thank you for participating on our blog. We're so excited to have you join our blogging community! The class has been looking at our revolving globe and have been amazed at all the visitors we have had from around the world. We are making global connections.
      What is your favorite part about the blog?

      Ms. Tulbure

    2. @Taylor's Mom

      Since you are a High School teacher I was wonder do you and your students have a blog? What is it like? Do you and your students talk about math, reading, social studies and etc. Or do you just talk about other stuff. I wonder that when I am at High School if I would have a classroom blog. Since I am going to go to High School please answer me and tell me. I want to find out soon. I hope I get you in High School.


    3. @Taylor's Mom

      Hi! Since you are a teacher, I wonder how your students feel because they got a great High School Teacher. I want to be in your class because you know a lot so far. I bet that you know all about social media.I would love to know as much as you do!

      Sincerely, Sarah

    4. Hi mom,
      I am happy you are blogging.I love it when you help me with my math and reading at home. I would really like help with my multiplication times facts. We have a test next week!

    5. Hi mom,
      When can you help my with multiplication times facts and reading?

  2. Hi there, this is Collin's Dad. I think this is a fantastic idea and can't wait to be a part of the family blog!!

    1. @ Collin's Dad,

      We are thrilled to have you join our blog. Thank you for participating. We love making connections to bloggers around the world.

      What is your favorite part about the blog?

      Ms. Tulbure

    2. I love that we are involving our kids in reaching out to people involved in all different aspects of their and their friends life. What greater way to learn different perspectives and views. It is wonderful for our children to expand their understanding of the global world we now live in and of which they are a part and a future. Not to mention how much fun they can have learning from others who are interested in what they are doing, and learning how what they do can involve and impact other people.

    3. @ Collin's Dad,

      I think that starting a blog is a great idea because we can communicate with each other online. I feel that people text and go on safari to find things that people post but the blog is more interesting than all that other stuff. The blog is a better idea to communicate with other people.
      Do you know who made up the blog?
      Kindly, Sarah

  3. Hi, it's Mark's mom. I'm thrilled and honored to be invited to participate in your blog and can't wait to invite our family to join in! I think it is a great idea to involve parents, relatives, and friends in the process of commenting and sharing their knowledge with you, third graders. We can all learn new information from comments of others, as well as learn more about each other. I am happy that kids nowadays have a privilege of using technology at home and in school. Back in the days, when I was in Elementary School, we used to write letters and waited a long time for replies. Today, we write, share pictures of our daily lives with friends and family via Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and get replies instantaneously. Did you know that first Blog was, created by a college student in 1994?

    1. @Mark's Mom,

      We really appreciate your comments to our blog. I especially enjoy all the information you've added about how communication changed when you were in school versus how we communicate with each other in school now. I enjoy writing letters as well, even though it leaves butterflies in my stomach awaiting a reply.
      You mentioned that the first blog was created in 1994. I had no idea. What great trivia!
      What is your favorite part about blogging?

      Ms. Tulbure

    2. @Tamara,

      I did not know that the first blog was created in 1994 by a college student. But now I do know this great new trivia. It is really good information to learn and I am glad that you shared it with us 3rd graders. I think my Mom knows the same thing but I am not sure. I wish I new that before, but I have some good information too! Did you know that my house has about 200 books? I learn a lot from them. How many books do you have at your house? What are your favorite books?
      Love, Sarah

    3. @Sarah

      I also thought that it was cool to finally get to find out that the first blog was created in 1994 by a college student. I wonder if it was a boy or a girl? If you know then please comment down below. I am very glad to have a blog. Are you glad to have a blog. By the way at my house I have THREE there are a lot of ways I can go onto the blog and share comments and information.


  4. Greetings all the way from San Diego. My name is Chrissy and I am Abby's favorite Aunt. What I love most about fall is when all of the leaves on the trees change colors. This is most noticeable with the sugar maple tree that forms a complete color wheel throughout the year. I especially love it when the temperature changes from hot to cold and I get to pull out my favorite winter coat.

    1. @ Abby's Aunt,

      Welcome to our blog! Thank you for sharing your comments with us. You mentioned your favorite thing about fall is when the leaves change colors. That is also my favorite thing about fall. I especially love it when the trees that turn red or orange. Waiting for the weather to turn cooler is very exciting. However, the weather has changed little here. How is the weather in San Diego this time of year?

      Ms. Tulbure

    2. Dear Abby's Aunt
      Hi! My name is Maya and I sit at Abby's table. Abby and I are also friends from last year. I just wanted to say that since you wrote about the weather and how the trees change color I think that you should write on our Fall Blog. What do you do in Fall? I really wish that if you we're here you would be able to go to the Fall Festival. At the Fall Festival there are rides, games, and even food [especially deserts].


  5. Hey Everyone,
    This is Ryan's mom! I am so excited to be a part of the third grade blog! I think it is a powerful way for our children to communicate with friends, family, and others in different school districts. Since our kids are getting their new Acers tomorrow, it will give our kids an opportunity to be introduced to social media!

    1. @ Ryan's Mom,

      Thank you for joining us on our blog. We appreciate your lovely compliments to our way of staying in touch with each other and friends around the world. You mentioned how the students are getting their laptops. They are all very excited to start learning more about media and how it can be such a powerful learning tool.
      What is your favorite part of blogging?
      Ms. Tulbure

  6. Hello everyone!
    This is Ramin's Mom. I hope you are all enjoying your classroom blog. It's such an amazing way to stay in touch with everyone. Just as Mark's mom has explained, we used to write letters to one another. I remember writing a few letters to my friends every night. We would all be so excited to hand out and receive them each morning before school. Now, with the ability to communicate online, you do not need to wait to transfer information, comments, letters etc. You can log online at anytime and post a blog comment or write an email. Anyway, I wish you all the best and look forward to receiving your responses to my blog comment. Have a great week!

    1. @ Ramin's Mom,

      We're so excited that you are blogging with us. We love our class blog and look forward to making new connections with friends every day.
      You mentioned writing letters to friends and handing them out to each other before school. That must have been exciting, waiting to receive a response from your friends.
      I sometimes write letters to my grandparents in Romania. It can take weeks before I receive a response. My grandpa wanted to speed up that process so he now communicates with me via email. We both love sharing all kinds of new news quickly.
      What is your favorite part of communicating online?

      Ms. Tulbure

  7. Hi Everyone,
    This is Sofia B's mom. It is funny because I just began blogging with my own 8th grade students this year so Sofia and I are learning how to do this together. It has been a couple of months of trial and error, but I finally am reaping the rewards of my own blog and I am excited for Sofia to be reaping her own rewards by being able to communicate properly with others via technology. It is the wave of the 21st century and our children need to know how to access, use, and incorporate all aspects of technology into their lives. What a great learning experience.
    Sofia's Mom

    1. Welcome to social media, Sofia. My great grandmother told me stories about when they first got a telephone when she was a young girl. My father told me stories about seeing a television for the first time when he was a teen ager in the 1930's. A generation later, computers had just been invented and I used one for the first time in high school. Your mom was in college when cell phones first came out, and she got one. Each generation brings something new. Now it's your turn!

    2. @ Grandpa Carl,

      Welcome to our class blog! We're so excited you're blogging with us. As I was reading your comment, I noticed that you're absolutely right about each generation bringing some kind of new technology to the world. I wonder what our 3rd graders will come up with in the future. The possibilities are endless.

      What technology do you think our students may come up with?

      Ms. Tulbure

    3. @ Sofia B.'s mom,

      Thank you for participating on our class blog. We love connecting with friends from all around. I'm excited to hear you are enjoying blogging with your students. It really is a great way to apply our classroom lessons and learning through media and share it with the global community.
      You mentioned that it is important that students know how to access and use technology properly in their lives and I agree. I also appreciate that technology allows students' imaginations to soar, and many inventive projects to be created.

      What do you enjoy most about blogging?

      Ms. Tulbure

    4. Ms. Tulbure, I love the cross class conversations my students can have. I have 5 periods of English and most classroom discussions stay in the classroom, but through blogging my classes can actually have conversations with each other. I have seen great insight and sharing of ideas and concepts that they may not have had otherwise if everything were contained in the classroom. It has also been a place where students who are otherwise too shy to speak their mind in class feel safe to voice their opinions and even disagree with fellow students, respectfully of course. I have seen those who are shy and quiet flourish on the blog and it has been amazing.

  8. Hi Room 3 Parents and Students. I'm Audrey R's mom. I'm excited to read about what everyone will be doing for Thanksgiving. This year we will be hosting at our house. What dishes do you all think I should make? What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods. I love sweet potato mash. I make it with lots of brown sugar and marshmallows. It's like a dessert rather than a side dish. Hope to hear what you and your family with be doing and eating this Thanksgiving.

    1. This is Sammy and I can't wait for Thanksgiving day.You said that you make sweet potato mash with a lot of brown sugar and marshmallows. That sounds so very yummy You also said it's like a dessert rather a side dish.
      I would LOVE to try some for my daily dessert.
      Is it sweet , is there something that it taste like. what do you say about this dish?


    2. Dear Sammy.
      My favorite Thanksgiving dish is the mashed potatoes and gravy. I love it more than sweet potato mash .

      Whats your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

    3. Hi Sammy,

      It has the texture of mashed potatoes but it sweet like pumpkin pie. Maybe I can make a platter and Audrey can bring it to class sometime this month. I will check with Ms. Tulbure and see what she says.

      Audrey R's mom

    4. Dear Sammy! Its Audrey R. I heard you want to try sweet potato mash I can't wait for Thanksgiving to. My mom said if its ok with Ms. Tulbure we can bring some in. What is your favorite dish for Thanksgiving?!

      Audrey R

    5. Dear Audrey R.,

      My mom also makes sweet potato mash too! My mom also makes a roast turkey, Chinese stuffing, cranberry sauce, and much more. You asked what is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My favorite food is cranberry sauce. Do you have Thanksgiving diner by your self and your family or do you have family and firends over for dinner?

      Sofia R.

  9. Hello! This is Cormac's dad. Being part of this family blog is very exciting! Almost as exciting as the tall handsome clown that was making you all touch hamster brains at your Halloween Party last week. I heard he was very funny and had rainbow hair. Maybe you lucky kids will see him again some time! Please let me know what the hamster brains felt like! Thanks!

  10. Dear Grandpa Carl. Thank you for blogging on the blog. My favorite device is the cellphone. I can't wait to get one!

    Dear Cormac's dad. I really liked putting my hands in the brains. You should feel it!

    From Sofia B

    1. Hey Sofia B - I did put my hands on the the brains. I actually ate one! That's because they weren't really hamster brains, they were mozzarella cheese balls. The worms were actually spaghetti and the eyeballs were peeled grapes in red jello. Who really believed they were eyeballs? Be honest!

    2. Hi, it's Audrey D. I knew those weren't real brains and worms and eye balls. But I didn't know the eye balls were grapes and red jello. Everyone else thought it was jelly and I thought they were grapes. Did the cheese balls taste good?

  11. Hi this is John-Paul's sister and I think it is a wonderful idea to do a blog! I'm in middle school and I never did get the chance to blog. So this is my first time too! Hope you guys have a wonderful blogging experience!

  12. Hi class this is John-Paul's mom! I remember when I was little and my dad got us a computer for Christmas. It was as big as a boxed T.V. set. We could only play one game and it was a black and white ping pong paddle game! All you could do was hit the ball back and forth but to us it was so exciting! Games have come along way, but to be honest I kind of miss that game! :) What are some of your favorite games to play?

    1. Dear John-Paul's Mom,

      Prodigy is my favorite game. I like it because you get to verse other people or their pets.

      Have you played on Prodigy?

      Sofia B

  13. Hello everyone!
    This is Anya's mom! It's so exciting that we are able to communicate like this. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because we can feel close to people on the other side of the world. Today is the 5th of November which is Bonfire Night in England. I received photos and videos from friends and family and felt like I was there! It's the day we remember a time in history when a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. I look forward to learning something new on this blog!

  14. Hello Chaparral Bloggers!

    This is Amara (Anya's twin sister) and I am thrilled to now be a member of your class blog! Most of you probably know me because I've been in most of your classes before. Those who are new, I'm sure I will get to know you soon. If you were wondering, I'm next door, in Ms. Mullenaux's class.


    1. @Amara,

      It's funny but I have been in your classes for a long time! I am so happy that you are commenting on my classroom blog. I just wanted to say hello. Are you happy that Thanksgiving is coming? Well, I am! My favorite foods are: potatoes and corn and my mom makes something that I do not know what it is called but it is rich creaminess of marshmallows and cranberries. Love Sarah

    2. Hi Amara!
      I think it is great that you have become a member of our classroom blog! I think it is a great idea for everyone to start blogging. Blogging is a great use of communication. You can make a new friend and start to talk about many things. You might just start a huge talk with someone! I love that family members can start to blog on our classroom blog!

    3. Hi Amara,

      It is me, your sister. I have two questions for you, even though I am your sister. I want to talk to you on the blog. Do you like being part of the blog? Does it feel weird talking on the blog with a lot of people you don't know? If you have answers these questions, please respond. Thanks.

      Your Sister,

    4. Hi Sarah,

      Yes, we were in Ms. Fitzner's class together last year in 2nd grade. Did you know that Ms. Fitzner moved into Ms. Chalfin's old classroom? My favorite foods on Thanksgiving are the turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and guess what?... Brussell sprouts! Yes, most people don't like them. At first I didn't like them either, but one day my mom cooked them a different way, and when I was eating them I suddenly loved them! One dessert my family and I have on Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. But my favorite dessert for the whole year is strawberries and meringues with cream! What are your favorite desserts throughout the whole year?


    5. Hi Kiley,

      Yes, I agree! I like blogging because it's kind of like having lots of pen-pals at the same time. Also, another reason why I like blogging is because I like expressing myself through writing and communicating with others, as you said earlier. It's interesting to see what you are all doing in your class and what other things we are doing in our spare time.


    6. Hi Anya,

      No, it does not feel weird communicating with people on you class blog because I know most of them. I know you were working on your 'All About Me' poster project this weekend. How are you feeling about sharing it with your class? Excited? Nervous? Worried? Happy? Please let me know how it goes. Here's a question for the rest of the class: If you have already worked on this poster, how did you feel when you were sharing it?

      Please let me know!

    7. Dear Amara,
      I am thrilled to see that you are blogging. I can see that you have lots of people responding to you. How do you feel when you blog?


    8. Hi Sofia,

      First of all, which Sofia is this? I think this is Sofia R? How I feel when I am blogging depends on what I am blogging about. Most of the time I feel happy. I hope you are having a nice Thanksgiving. We will be visiting relatives and having our turkey dinner later today. What will everyone else be doing?

      I hope you all have a nice day!

  15. Susie (Sofia R's mom)November 9, 2015 at 12:16 PM

    Hi Class
    This is Susie (Sofia R's mom). I love that you're doing a family blog. i'm enjoying reading all the comments from all the family and friends. We were just talking about how life has changed so much with regards to computers and technology over the last 20 to 30 years. it's so wonderful that you all now use laptops in your 3rd grade classrooms. i was telling sofia that when i was in college we had to go to "computer labs" to use computers.

    1. Hi Class
      This is Justin (Sofia's C). I find it extremely cool that there is family blog. It is cool to read about all that are in your class and how much fun you guys are having. I can't believe you guys get laptops in 3rd grade and I'm in 11th grade I never got a computer. I'm super jealous. Hope you all have a great school year.

    2. Dear Justin,

      Me and my class do have computers. Just to tell you having a computer is a BIG responsibility and using it isn't always very easy. In class we have assignments. I can't exactly name them but they normally have some thing to do with gammer,spelling,and math. If you don't have a computer how do you get on the internet?

      Sofia R.

  16. Hi, this is Naz, Audrey D's mom. This is my first time blogging and I am so thrilled to be communicating with you all.
    I like having kids over our house for playdates and what I always wonder is what they like to do most on a playdate? Pretend play, board games, playing outdoors, doing homework together, or chatting and having snacks? I like to know your favorite part if you get to reply to me.
    Happy blogging,
    Naz :0)

  17. Hi Class and Sofia.
    This is Mike (Sofia R's U)
    I had to learn what a blog was so I could participate. I used the helpful tutorial. How old do you think I am?? I think it is great that you all are working on your reading and writing through the use of this Blog.

  18. Hello! It's Audrey R. I hope all of you guys are going to have fun on Wednesday, because we have a day off! If you know some of us are celebrating Veterans Day and some are not. What I actually came hear to tell you about, was the holidays and seasons changing. As you can see the weather is changing a lot, and it's all because of the equator. I think it is also autumn that's why the weather is changing if you think the holidays are the ones that change the weather that is not correct. Do you guys celebrate Veterans Day?!
    Audrey R

  19. Dear Ms.Tulbure's class,
    I have been reading all the blog posts since the school year began but this is my first and hopefully, not my last post. I have enjoyed all the comments that the children have made. I particularly enjoyed the hamster brain discussion! Did Jack tell you about the monster eye balls he had for dinner on Halloween night? They were rather gruesome but he managed to wolf down quite a few! I wish you all a wonderful week.

  20. Hi Ms. Tulbure's class. This is Sofia R.'s dad, Michael. I'm excited to join in your class blog. I think it is really cool that you are doing this. Are you all getting ready for Thanksgiving? Are you doing any special Thanksgiving themed projects this month? Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Dear Michael,
      We did make pumpkin bread yesterday! I am bringing it home today! Are you going to eat half of it today?

      Love your dater,
      Sofia R.

  21. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the pies. I mostly love the mashed potatoes with gravy.
    What is your favorite holiday?
    Sofia B.

    1. Dear Sofia B.
      I don't have a favorite holiday but one of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving! I love turkey and the stuffing. I also can't wait for my aunt's yams with marshmallows. It is fun. I love my moms brownies yum! What is your favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving? Do you like stuffing?

  22. Hi!!! It's Audrey R. I know for a fact that you guys all had fun making pumpkin bread even me, but what I want to tell you about is what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving? Me and me family are going to have a big feast and this is my first year helping to cook! I'm so excited to have dinner with my family and driving my mom nuts! What are you guys doing this Thanksgiving?

    - from: Audrey R

  23. Hi Mrs. Tulbure's class! This week it was a lot of fun helping Cormac dress his paper turkey up as Harry Potter. We used red duct tape and black athletic tape to make his robe. Then Cormac used two felt circles to be his glasses. Normally we put these felt circles on the bottom of our kitchen chairs so they make less noise. Then we went outside and found the perfect stick to be Harry's wand. Then we used Harry's wand to turn Cormac's little brother Eamon into a snail. OK, that last part isn't true, but the rest of this post is. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
    Mr. W. aka Marcus aka The Clown aka Cormac's Dad

  24. @Dad
    The eyeballs felt like slime but with blood on them. The hamster brain felt like dry grass and was the shape of a mushroom. The worms were like a stick but very flexible and felt very slippery. The person who was showing us these things had a monstrous nose. His wig had so many colors that it would take me a long time to list all of them. He was a tall clown and had not just a big nose, it was the reddest nose I have ever seen. This is how I would describe this part of the Halloween party at my school.

    from your son,
