Monday, December 7, 2015

Congratulations Family Blogging Month Winners!

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Congratulations to our Family Blogging Month Winners
Hyunsuh, Ramin, Ryan, and Sammy! 

Each blogger received a free kid's meal to a local restaurant, a fabulous crown to wear, and a free choice post on Ms. Tulbure's Classroom Blog!

Photo by Ms. Tulbure

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Mrs. Yollis created the idea of Family Blogging Month back on April 1, 2010. This inspired Ms. Tulbure to participate as well. The participation, the quality of the commenting, the interaction and learning that transpired via this classroom blog makes Ms. Tulbure beam with pride.

Not only are her students and their family members becoming superior writers, but they are also honing important digital skills like how to communicate and contribute on line, how to limit personal information on the Internet, and how to develop a dynamic digital footprint. (To hone is a fancy verb that means to improve over time.) 

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Ms. Tulbure would like to personally thank all the parents and family members for their constant support.Your participation is the key to your child's educational success!

What did you think of Family Blogging Month?

Who commented from your family?

Where did your family comment from? 


  1. Hyunsuh and John-PaulDecember 16, 2015 at 7:24 AM

    Dear Mrs.Tulbure

    Did you know I am writing with the first place winner of this contest, Hyunsuh? Hyunsuh and I love blogging. That is why Hyunsuh and I are blogging together. We want to know what your longest blog comment is ?

    John-Paul and Hyunsuh

  2. Dear Bloggers

    I love to blog it is a GREAT way to say what you want to the world. To GO on the blog is so amazing it is like the whole world you can talk to. It was so much fun blogging and the prize means nothing, just learning to blog and type like a grown up is so fun. For me I take of blogging like my favorite type of candy. I blog whenever I can.

    Sincerely, Sammy
