Rowdy Rain forest
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Picture from The Great Kapok Tree |
We are learning all about the rain forest this week by reading The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. It is a beautiful book about conserving the delicate diversity of the rain forest that all can enjoy.
Rain forests are thick, green forests that receive a lot of rain and are very hot and humid.
Most rain forests in the world are in South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia.
It rains more than 200 days a year in a rain forest, and it receives up to 240 inches of rain a year.
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Picture from The Great Kapok Tree |
Rain forests are home to many different plants and animals, many of which are still undiscovered by scientists. Many species of insects, amphibians, mammals, and birds live in various rain forest habitats.
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Picture from The Great Kapok Tree |
The rain forest has 4 layers. The Emergent Layer is the tallest and here trees can be as high as 200 feet! They form a big umbrella with their branches over the lower trees. Butterflies and birds call this layer home.
The Canopy is the next layer, and many animals live and eat here, such as monkeys and sloths.
Next is the Understory, where only small trees grow. Snakes and small mammals call this home.
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From The Great Kapok Tree |
Finally, the Forest Floor is where moss, and small bushes grow as it is wet and dark. This is where you will find many insects.
The rain forest has many treasures for us to use in our daily lives. The wood from the trees are used to make furniture and houses.
Many fruits and vegetables come from the rain forest, such as guava, papaya, Brazil nuts, and tapioca. Beautiful orchids and zebra plants grow in the rain forest.
There are many oils, spices and gums we use in cooking and in the home such as: sandalwood oil, palm oil, cocoa, cardamon, chili pepper, and rubber for erasers.
Numerous Rain forest plants are used to make medicine.
Many fruits and vegetables come from the rain forest, such as guava, papaya, Brazil nuts, and tapioca. Beautiful orchids and zebra plants grow in the rain forest.
There are many oils, spices and gums we use in cooking and in the home such as: sandalwood oil, palm oil, cocoa, cardamon, chili pepper, and rubber for erasers.
Numerous Rain forest plants are used to make medicine.
It is important to protect the rain forest so that we preserve the biodiversity of its plant and animal life.
What are your favorite rain forest animals? Why?
How would you save the rain forest?
What items in your home come from the rain forest?
Have you ever been to the rain forest? What country was it in?
Have you ever been to the rain forest? What country was it in?
Dear Ms. Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteI really like the pictures of the rain forest. My favorite rain forest animal is the jaguar because of it's sharp claws. I would save the rain forest by cleaning the rain forest. I have never been to a rain forest.
What does a rain forest look like close up?
Your student,
Dear Carter,
DeleteI like the jaguar because of its sharp claws too! I have never been to a rain forest either, but I would save the rain forest by not chopping down its trees. What is your least favorite rain forest animal? Mine is the anteater. Do you like boa constrictors? I do like them. Do you know some types of plants that live in the rain forest?
Your friend,
Dear Carter,
DeleteI have not been not been to a rain forest, but my partner Christopher has. The rain forest I went to is in Myanmar,Asia. There are a lot of pretty animals there with colorful butterflies.
Christopher and I have been doing some research on the boa constrictor. An adaptation the boa constrictor has is it can smell its prey. The boa constrictor squeezes its prey until it suffocates,and then it eats it.
The female boa constrictor can have up to 50 babies at a time. The boa constrictor lives in Mexico and Argentina. They eat birds,wild pigs,lizards,and rodents.
Do you know any more facts about the boa constrictor?
Your Rain Forest-loving friends,
Noel and Chritopher
Dear Ms. Tulbure and Carter,
DeleteI like the photos.
I have never been to a rain forest. Have you or any kids in your class been to the rain forest? Has Ms. Tulbure been to the rain forest?
We are making a project on the rain forest. My animal is the jaguar. Did you make a project? If you did, what animal were you?
Your rain forest-loving friend,
Dear Ms.Tulbure,
DeleteWe love your sensational post about the wonderful rain forest. Our class is doing a project on the beautiful animals of the rain forest. Our animal for the project was the harpy eagle.
Do you know any facts about the Harpy Eagle?
Do you know why the rain forest has a lot of rain?
Do you know why the poison dart frog is poisonous?
Your rain forest friends,
A.J.,Matthew,and Shai
Dear Carter,
DeleteI have never been to the rainforest either. Our favorite animal is the fruit bat. The fruit bat eats ripe fruit, and it can smell from 100 miles away. It has so many adaptations, and it can hear very clearly. The fruit bat lives in the understory in the rain forest. The fruit bat can see well at night.
From your fact loving friends,
Zachary and Tyler
Dear Mrs. Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteI have been to the rainforest. In fact, I just went to the rainforest, and it was in Costa Rica . My favorite rainforest animal is the resplendent quetzal. I looked up some facts about it on Wikipedia. Its kingdom is Anamalia, its phylum is chordata, its class is aves, its order is Trogoniformes, its family is Trogonidae, its genus is Pharomacrus, and its species is P. Mocinno. It has a green body and the male's tail is over 65 centimeters! That's over TWO TIMES its body length. They eat fruit, wasps, larvae, frogs, and lizards. They like wild avocados most. We stayed at the Trogon Lodge in Savegre, San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, in the cloud forest. It's like a rainforest, but instead of rain there's clouds! We saw the quetzal there. It loves this mountain valley because its full or the wild avocados it eats. In fact its one of the only places in Costa Rica where the fruit grows, because of the altitude - over 7000 feet!
Aidan F.
(from Mrs. Ranney's class)
Dear Ms. Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteI love your new rain forest post! My favorite rain forest animal is a jaguar because it runs really fast. I would save the rain forest by making an electrical fence around it. I also have many plants from the rain forest on my hill! I've never been there before but I always wanted to go!
Dear Michael,
DeleteWe are doing an an animal report on the tapir. We would love to share some facts about it. The tapir is related to the rhino and the pig. The tapir is a stupendous swimmer despite weighing a jaw-dropping 600 POUNDS!
I,Jackson, have a favorite rain forest animal that is the toucan. The toucan has a colorful beak that is yellow, orange,and black.
I, Aidan, have a second favorite animal, too, and it is the rhinoceros beetle. It is the biggest bug IN THE WORLD! Its lips are 5 inches long.
What other rain forest animals do you enjoy?
Aidan and Jackson from Mrs. Ranney's class
Dear Aidan and Jackson,
DeleteWe are doing an animal report on the anteater. One fact is that the anteater is an endangered species. Their tongues are 2 feet long! It weighs up to 86 pounds.
What other animals can you get facts about?
Alex and Aiden R.
Dear Ms. Tulbure, Your post is amazing. My favorite rain forest animal is a toucan because its colorful beak and that it can fly swiftly in the beautiful sky. I would help the rain forest by making sure that nobody cuts down any trees. I have never gone to a rain forest but I wanted to when I was little. Have you visited a rain forest?
ReplyDeleteLove, Andia
Dear Mrs. Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteSome of the things that we have at our house that come from the rain forest are yellow bananas, crunchy Brazil nuts, creamy avocado, sour passion fruit, delicious pineapple, bitter coffee, chocolate-flavored cocoa, squishy rubber, and sweet vanilla.
Mrs. Ranney assigned us animals to do research on, and we chose the sloth. The sloth is the slowest mammal in the world. It is slower then a snail. WOW! The sloths move at about 1 tenth of a mile per hour. Sloths are nocturnal, so that means that they are awake in the night and asleep in the day.
The sloths eat some foods like fruit, leaves, and new sprouted plants.
One adaptation the sloth has is that it can camouflage in the leaves to protect it from its predators because algae grows on their fur.
Do you know any other facts about the sloth?
Charlotte and Alexandra
Dear Mrs. Tulbure and class,
ReplyDeleteWe enjoyed reading your lovely blog!
For our animal project we (Jules and Lia) have been studying toucans.
Here are some facts about the toucans:
Toucans can grow from thirteen to twenty-five inches long!
Their bills can grow to be eighteen inches long!
Their bills can be yellow, orange, red,blue, green, brown, black,or white.
Baby toucans are born blind and featherless.
The baby toucan eat food that their parents have eaten and spit up.
The largest toucan is the Toco toucan that is twenty-five inches long, and the smallest toucans are Aracaris and all the toucanets that can be 13-14 inches long.
There are 40 different kinds of toucans!
All toucans bills have air pockets and that is why their bills are so light but big.
Does anyone else know any more facts about toucans?
Mrs. Ranney's Toucan loving students,
Lia and Jules
Dear Ms.Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteOur animal is the Golden Lion Tamarin.
The Golden Lion Tamarin is as small as a squirrel.
The Golden Lion Tamarin's fur color is gold, orange, black,and brown.Its favorite foods are fruit and insects. Its life span is 8-15 years. Its top speed is 24mph, but its weight is only 19-25oz.It is an omnivore, which is an animal that eats plants and meat.
From your animal lovers,
Cinthia and Brooke
Dear Ms.Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteI enjoy the blog!
I've never been to the Rainforest but I really want to go! My favorite forest animal is a jaguar because they're fast! I like many things from the rainforest such as bananas, a little piece of red wood and cocoa. I would save the amazing world of forests by not cuting down trees.
Your Student,
Dear Mrs.Tulbure
ReplyDeleteWe love your post. We hope that you have a great time with your class doing your blog! Our favorite rain forest animal is a Red-Eyed-tree frogs! We would save the rainforest by growing new trees in place of the old.Did you know that Tree-frogs can grow from 3 inches to 5 inches. Tree frogs are meat eaters they mostly eat insects,but sometimes they will eat smaller frogs.
the rain forest lovers Cate and Anjolee
Dear Ms.Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteWe are really ecstatic that you got a blog!
We enjoy commenting on your blog! Noel and I are now making a wanted poster of the boa constrictor. We told all the facts about it.Some facts are that it is nocturnal and it hunts at night.
We are now writing our paragraph about the boa constrictor with tons of facts! The baby boa constrictor weighs four to five ounces . They are two feet long!
Is anyone in your class studying the boa constrictor or another kind of boa?
Mrs. Ranneys rain forest explorers,
Christopher and Noel
Dear Ms.Tulbure,
ReplyDeleteI adore your blogpost on the rainforest!
My favorite rainforest animal is the jaguar. I like the jaguar beacause it runs very fast.
I would save the rainforest by making a law so your not allowed to chop down the rainforest trees.
Some items that come from the rainforest in my home are wood, nuts ,and fruit.
I have not ever been to the rainforest.
Have you ever been to the rainforest?
Your rainforest loving student,