Monday, April 29, 2013

Fantastic Fiesta

As a culmination activity for "Pepita Talks Twice," and learning the Spanish language and culture, Ms. Tulbure's class celebrated by performing the Mexican Hat Dance. 

¡Qué grandes bailarines! 

(What great dancers!)


¿Qué piensas de la fiesta?

(What did you think of the fiesta?)

Use to leave a comment in English and Spanish!

Learning Languages

This week Ms. Tulbure's class read "Pepita Talks Twice."

Pepita, who is bilingual and speaks both Spanish and English, decides she does not want to translate and talk twice anymore. 
Her decision to stop speaking Spanish creates many problems she had not predicted.

Finally, Pepita realizes that it is a good thing to speak two languages.

The story is even written in both Spanish and English!

So we decided to learn a little Spanish ourselves!

Below are some Translations:

¡Bueños días! Good day!

¡Bueñas tardes! Good afternoon!

¡Bueñas noches! Good night!

¿Cómo estas? How are you?

¡Muy bien! Very well!

¡No muy bien! Not very well!

¡Que lástima! What a pity!

¡Gracias! Thank you!

De nada. You're welcome.

¡Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow!

¡Hasta luego! See you later!

Los Días de la Semana The Days of the Week

lunes Monday

martes Tuesday

miércoles Wednesday

jueves Thursday

viernes Friday

sábado Saturday

domingo Sunday

Me gusta...I like...

el pan bread

los tacos tacos

escuela school

matemáticas math

¡Que divertido! What fun!

¡Que buena idea! What a great idea!

¿Vamos a aprender Español? We're going to learn Spanish?

What was your favorite part about the story?

Can you carry on a conversation in Spanish?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Exciting Chumash Adventures

Ms. Tulbure's Class took an exhilarating and educational trip to the 
Chumash Indian Museum!

In the slide show below you can see some of the activities and sights we enjoyed. 

What was your favorite activity of the trip?

Leave a comment about facts you learned about the Chumash.

Try answering the following questions:

What is the name of the Chumash canoe?
What are two ways the Chumash used asphaltum (tar)?
What beach is named for the tar that was found there?
What did the Chumash do to remove tannic acid from acorn?
Explain how to play a Chumash game.
Name some foods eaten by the Chumash.
What materials were used in building a Chumash ap?
What type of plant would the Chumash use to 
get rid of a headache?